This may come as a surprise to some people, but there are many risks to drinking tap water. The tap water that you drink, shower with, and cook with is not as trustworthy as it may seem. Nearly all sources of our tap water are contaminated. Outlined below is what to be aware of when it comes to drinking tap water and better alternatives to staying hydrated and healthy.
Where Does Our Water Come From?
Tap water comes from your local water company and that varies depending on where you live. The majority of public water systems collect surface water from reservoirs, lakes, rivers, and streams. After that, our public water companies are legally required to “treat” water before it flows through the pipes and into our homes, ensuring that we’re “safe” from the potential diseases caused by waterborne microorganisms like bacteria and viruses.
What’s Really in Our Water?
Unfortunately, we’re doing more harm than good. What the public water suppliers mean when they “treat” our water, is adding more disinfectants and chemicals to our already polluted drinking water… mainly from the years of using chemicals in agriculture and other big industries. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, there are over 700 chemicals in our drinking water, including “clean” sources such as wells and springs. In addition to outrageously high amounts of chemicals, public water supplies are often littered with toxins, heavy metals, and even pharmaceuticals… Yikes! Of all the chemicals we consume on a daily basis, chlorine and fluoride are the two most prominent.
Risks of Chlorine in Drinking Water?
Chlorine gas, sodium hypochlorite, and calcium hypochlorite are the most common types of chlorine used in treating our water. The names alone sound troublesome. Studies have linked repeated exposure to trace amounts of chlorine in water to cause multiple different types of cancers and trihalomethanes (THMs). THMs create free radicals in the body that can destroy vital cells. THMs have been linked to many health issues including higher miscarriage and birth defect rates.
Risks of Fluoride in Drinking Water?
Despite being told that adding fluoride to our water reduces tooth decay, fluorides effect has done the opposite and caused problems with teeth, bones and even neurological development.
Like chlorine, fluoride can also inflict reproductive issues, such as lower fertility in men and women both. Fluoride can also cause thyroid dysfunction, skin problems, and cardiovascular problems, to touch on a few.
Clean Water Alternatives
Find a local spring: When we lived in the PNW we enjoyed loading up the truck and filling up our 5 gallon jugs from the local natural spring. Free water!! Spring water is the most pure water I’ve come across, with community members running QC by testing and sharing the results publicly, so rest assured it can be trusted and it’s the best. It’s straight from the source of nature and doesn’t cost a dime. Fill up as many 5 gallon jugs as you can fit in the care, preferably glass or BPA free, and place them in a basin for easy water drinking at home. Look up local springs at Find A Spring
Have spring water delivered: The same delicious water, but delivered to your door. Mountain Valley Spring Water is a reputable company that has over 100 distributors nationwide. While that is a brand we love, there could be other companies around you to choose from. Look up local spring water delivery near you.
Drink reverse osmosis water: Now that we live in TX we take our jugs to the nearby grocery stores and fill up at their reverse osmosis stations. Reverse osmosis is a water purification process that removes contaminants and is one of the most effective ways in doing so. Unfortunately, healthy minerals get removed during the RO filtration process, so we add trace minerals back into our jug before consuming.
Invest in a filtration system: Consider investing in a water filtration system for your home. Berkey water filters are a great place to start. Berkeys purify the water at a reasonable cost. Do your research to find the best filtration system for you…you can also consider whole home filtration systems that will cover the water you bathe and shower in as well…this is next level water game!
Use glass or stainless steel: Most bottled water is no different than the contaminated and ordinary tap water. Plastic containers can also leach toxic chemicals and harmful shreds of plastic into the water, especially if it’s been exposed to heat. Plastic is not a good choice for our body or the environment. Opt for using glass or stainless steel water bottles, jugs, or cups to drink from.
Speak kindly to your water: Dr. Emoto conducted studies and experiments exposing glasses of water to various words, pictures, and music then freezing the water and examining the frozen crystals under a microscope. Emoto claims that positive words, emotions, music, and prayer directed at the water produced beautiful crystals. Since water has a crystalline structure, it holds memory, like an absorbent crystalline mirror…magical! Practice speaking love and gratitude to your water or simply play beautiful music in your home.
Our bodies are mostly made up of water. Be mindful, intentional, and deliberate with what you choose to replenish yourself with. Our ancestors regarded water with the utmost reverence, knowing that it was a giver and sustainer of life. Today we remember to honor our ancestors by honoring our water…and therefore ourselves…and therefore the earth!